On this page we are going to explain all the current configurations. It is important to configure the script correctly because this can cause problems while using the script.
Framework: By default the script should detect qb-core or esx if they're already started.
Inventory: Select the available inventories, if your inventory is not listed, you have to add support to that inventory in the custom files.
PermissionGroups: The list of groups that are going to be considered as admins.
Language: Only available English and Spanish, you can add more in locales.lua
MetadataSystem: A custom metadata system to avoid using the framework metadata
CustomReviveEvent: The client event of your ambulancejob that is executed when the player is revived
BindSystem: This enabled the binds, by default is disabled because in some servers this options don't work cause framework metadata issues.
KeepInputOnNUI: If you want to players to be able to walk when using radio.
NeedRadioItem: If you want to restrict the radio to only players with the items
RadioItems: A list of items that are considered radio and will open the UI when used.
Last updated