Here we're going to guide you in the installation of origen_police.
First we want you to know that our script only supports the following versions of the two most used frameworks, in older versions it may be usable but we do not provide support since the development focuses on the following versions:
Setup CFG Permissions
Check that you have all these lines in your cfg, if you don't have any add them.
Now you will need to register your license as the qbcore.god group. To do this, you can use this example replacing your license.
Tunning modifications
If your tunning script don't appear here you don't have to modify anything inside it.
At the end of the file esx_lscustom/client/main.lua
Status modifications
If your status script don't appear here you don't have to modify anything inside it.
Add this at the end of the file esx_status/server/main.lua
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