
We are going to divide this part into 7 different parts: agents on duty, radio, quick access, map, internal radio, emergencies and last alerts.

Agents on duty

It is a list of all the agents that are on duty, for each agent the following information is displayed, the department the agent belongs to, the rank, the name followed by the badge, the status that will only be available if the agent is within a frequency and finally the location that will only be available if it is available and if you have location enabled in the interaction menu, when you click the location button the map will zoom into the agent location so you can see where is the agent.


The radio system is available in 3 different parts of the entire script. This radio system is similar to a teamspeak already integrated into FiveM, you can join all frequencies from here and you can also use the broadcast buttons to speak to groups defined in the config/radio.lua, you can also speak to frequencies Specifically, without having to be on them by pressing the "TALK" button on the frequency, you can also move people from the frequencies like in Discord.

Quick Access

With these buttons you can directly access other parts of the tablet without having to go to the main menu.


The map will show the following information: 911 alerts, traffic delays, police officers, police vehicles, among other relevant information.

Internal Radio

The internal radio is a way of communication between all the agents, this internal radio is also linked to the chat and the agents will be able to see them without having to enter the dispatch tab. There are many shortcuts in the interaction menu to talk and report events quickly.

The control panel will be able to respond from the text entry to be able to respond without having to use the /rpol command.


In this part you can see all the information related to the alert selected from the alert list. It is composed of the alert ID, alert title, location, the time that has passed since it was sent, the description, the notes that are additions that are written by the person who is in this tab so that the agents who go to attend to this alert have more information about the problem. You can also assign the alert to specific units, for units to appear in the list, they have to be within frequencies.

Last Alertas

A history of all alerts that have been sent will be displayed here, only the history of alerts that have been received since this tab was opened will be displayed.

Last updated