Make sure that all dependencies start before the script so that everything works correctly.
Last updated
Make sure that all dependencies start before the script so that everything works correctly.
Last updated
If you do not have one of these versions of the following frameworks, we are not obliged to solve related problems due to having an old version.
Minimal: 1.2
Recommended: 1.2.6
Minimal: 1.9.4
Recommended: 1.10.2
Having these systems is necessary for the correct functioning of the script. In the case of not having a script, we are not obliged to solve or look for alternatives for not using it.
Partial means that the system is missing the function that we use like open job outfit menu or we can't find in the documentation of the script.
We do not support unlisted dependencies, if you want to add compatibility you are free to do so but we are not obliged to spend time adapting any new system.