
Config.Multifrec = {
    ["SOUTH UNITS"] = {
    ["NORTH UNITS"] = {
    ["SPECIAL UNITS"] = {
        "Esperando asignación",
        "Oficina IAA",
        "Oficina Investigación",
    ["EMS UNITS"] = {
        "Mando SAFD",
        "Unidad Bomberos 1",
        "Unidad Bomberos 2",
        "Unidad Bomberos 3",
        "Unidad EMS 1",
        "Unidad EMS 2",
        "Unidad EMS 3",
        "Parque de Bomberos"

The indices of Config.MultiFrec are the names of the categories, and the names within those indices are the frequencies of each category:

Config.ButtonsMultiFreq = {
    ["BROADCAST SAFD"] = {
        "EMS UNITS"
    ["BROADCAST SAPD"] = {
Config.BindFreqs = {
    ["talk-to-central"] = {"central"},
    ["talk-waiting-assignment"] = {"esperando-asignacion"},
    ["talk-police-station"] = {"comisaria"},
    ["talk-tacs"] = {"tac-01", "tac-02", "tac-03", "tac-04"},
    ["broadcast-special-units"] = {"SPECIAL UNITS"}

The indices are the names of each bind and the values are the frequencies or categories to which you will transmit when using the bind.

Config.MegaphoneVoiceDist = 75.0 -- The distance that the voice of the megaphone will be heared

To use the megaphone you have to be inside a police vehicle and hold the Y.

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