The list of vehicles that will be considered police, sheriff, ambulance, etc. This list is also used to know if the vehicles can use certain systems such as the megaphone, siren system, etc.
Config.SirensSystem = true -- To enable or disable the sirens system(Q -> turn on/off lights; ,-> turn on/off sirens)
Config.Sirens = {
The list of the vehicle sirens. To use the system you've to be inside a police vehicle listed in the Config.Vehicles, keys:
Q -> Enable / Disable lights
R -> If the sirens are disabled this key is going to enable the sirens until the R is released, if the sirens are enabled the sirens sound is going to change following the list in the Config.Sirens.
The DefaultCarCamOffset is a relative position for the dashcams , and the CustomCarOffsets are the same as the previous config but this is for specific cars that for example are taller than others.
Config.CustomCarLabels = { -- A list for custom vehicle labels, for the citizen search only will take this label if the vehicle label is NULL
-- [GetHashKey("police")] = "POLICE PATROL",
-- [GetHashKey("police2")] = "POLICE PATROL 2",
-- [GetHashKey("police3")] = "POLICE PATROL 3",
Config.SpeedType = 'kmh' -- 'kmh' or 'mph'