
As you can see, when you create a new report, you have several sections to fill out, first the name of the report, the location, a longer description of what happened. You can also add evidence, among which we find the photo item, which can only be obtained by using our instant_camera item to take photographs, and the evidence report, which is a summary of the evidence found in a scene with crashes, shots, blood, etc. You can learn more about the evidence system here.

You can add people and agents involved in the report, when you add a person involved you will have the option to fine them directly from the report.

We can divide the reports by labels to have greater organization, by default these are the labels that come in the script, depending on the job you have, you will find different labels for the reports:

["police"] = {
    "Open case",   -- Sames as translate "OpenCase"
    "Case closed",   -- Sames as translate "CaseClosed"
    "Null case",   -- Sames as translate "NullCase"
    "Crimes against animals",
    "Vial security felony",
    "Crimes against natural resources",
    "Crimes in documents, identifications or licenses",
    "Quality report",
    "Homicide attempt",
    "Homicide attempt (police)",
    "Police operation",
    "Import robbery",
    "Vehicle theft",
    "Major robbery",
    "Minor robbery",
    "Kidnapping (police)",  
["ambulance"] = {
    "Medical emergency",
    "Medical date",

You can also add victims or vehicles involved in the report by providing the vehicle registration number. All entities (people, agents, vehicles, victims) will appear in their citizen profile as belonging to this complaint.

You can delete the report at the bottom of the page by accepting a confirmation form. It is important to have the appropriate permissions because otherwise you will not be able to delete it.

Last updated