2️v1.9.5 or greater

Item Replacing

ESX users replace in origen_inventory/config/items.lua

QB users replace on qb-core/shared/items.lua

    ['phone']                           = {['name'] = 'phone',                             ['label'] = 'Phone',                     ['weight'] = 700,          ['type'] = 'item',         ['image'] = 'phone.png',                   ['unique'] = true,          ['useable'] = true,      ['shouldClose'] = false,     ['combinable'] = nil,   ['description'] = 'Neat phone ya got there', ['export'] = 'lb-phone.UsePhoneItem'},

Setting up configuration

Go to lb-phone/config/config.lua and set the Config.Item.Inventory to origen_inventory, like this:

Config.Item.Inventory = "origen_inventory"

Make sure to mark the phone item useable in the qb-core/shared/items.lua or origen_inventory/config/items.lua

Setting up unique phone files

Add this file, to lb-phone/client/custom/uniquePhones folder:


Add this file, to lb-phone/server/custom/uniquePhones folder:



[ESX ONLY] Add this file, to lb-phone/client/custom/frameworks folder:

Last updated